Thursday, March 26, 2009

Nine Orders Of Angels

Understanding today and the truth of todays religions, the untold truths must be realized and brought ot the light. No matter where you are, the color of your skin, the background of your parents or whatever you classify as who you and everyone else is, you must accept this fact to reach the truth..this fact is: what you have been taught as truth is in all reality either a metaphor or half truth, this is known as false teachings, regardless of what you have been taught. We all agree that we have been raised to believe the things our parents taught, environment we are surrounded by have taught, teachers in schools or churches we have all attended. We were raised to believe the same things we have seen or heard from others..How many have actually searched for themselves the truth? Why haven't we? Is it because what we find seems abnormal to the rest of society? Is it because we will seem so different we are not accepted as a part of that society? Our fear keeps us from truth..and after all is said and done, it is our own fear that holds us in darkness and stupidity of what is real!!!! God never made any mistakes in any creation, including Lucifer...Satan, whatever you may call this being of what is known as Evil...God created everything the way it should be and is today and has been since the beginning of time...if time is what you perceive as reality right now...for you see, time is only an illusion, there is no time, there is no space and there is no Lucifer..there is only you as part of the Creator, Our God...that's it!!! Now, to explain this, one must dive deep into so many realms of truth...if you are ready, I will take your hand and we shall make this journey together..there are steps to this process, in which must be followed exactly as I say, or you won't understand. Let's begin...

God created the Heavens (stars, planets, angels) and the Earth was void of humans at this time...the beings known today as the Nine Orders of Angels existed from the beginning...these include:
The Seraphim: The Highest Order
The Cherubim: The Second Order
The Thrones and Dominions: The Third and Fourth Order
The Virtues: The fifth
The Powers: The sixth
The Principalities: The Seventh
The Archangels: The Eighth
The Angels: The Ninth
They each had specific jobs, roles to make God's plan of creativity work...In order to understand what Angels are you must understand that everything in existance, from God, is God! Even the smallest part of Angels, the universe, you and me, we are all connected as One with God, we are God..A part of God...
God is the beginning and the ending (but there is no ending) So, the angels have been given certain powers, certain roles to play in this "knowledge" we are all seeking...
From different points of view, religions and current teachings of the forefathers we now have, the truth of the beginning has been either hidden or lied about. For you see, there is no way any one person could ever exist without being created with purpose. Every humans goal is to find that purpose...the ultimate purpose is at the very end of all consciousness..which means, you must understand the Alpha in order to understand the Omega...Let's begin...

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