Friday, March 20, 2009

Anu!!! Who Is Anu? LUCIFER!!!!

To begin, you must understand that many of the writings, stories and fairytales that are written are really meant to be either translated or metaphorically corrected by those that know the truth...There will never be one being on the face of the Earth that will ever be able to read the Bible, Torah, Qu'ran or any other religious material from cover to cover and translate it the way it is truly meant to be as TRUTH and understood by humans...why? because, its confusing for a reason...the reason are humans! You are here for a reason and it isn't to understand why God did what He did as to make you!! Just know this, throughout this entire learning process, you remember that God has reasons for everything and no matter what you are His creation, as we all are, outside of God we are nothing...

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