Saturday, March 21, 2009

Evolution of Life...The Real Story

Ok, the Atlanteans did exist and were somewhat of "alien" to what most of us predict as "abnormal" and don't except...but, Atlanteans were and are real...the Gods portrayed before the Bible and other literary works are real..most of order to understand and appreciate the true existance of these Gods, or angels, is dive so deep into the past that most give up on in the first few novels left from the forefathers..why is that..because once our churches, parents, teachers get so far out of the norm of truth, they teach us and we don't reach deeper to understand the truth..the whole time the truth we seek is within and we must acquire the ambition to seek it...if not, we are but mere vessels that are worthless to God...We were made to evolve and learn and grow...not through our parents, preachers, teachers, liers or whatever this current world consists of as normality...but as sovereign people, children of God...He never created us to be just existing, He created us to be His children and always learning to think for ourselves and to learn to love and grow in His name, His love, His existance...

This means, Live for reality, not material things, not your family's wishes for you, not your church, not your job, not your non understandings of who you really are inside...You must wake up to who you are on the inside....You are beautiful and God created you to love and be loved...from here on out, you are your own sovereign person, God's child and His creation, His joy....

There were the Annunaki in the beginning and they were apart of the creation and at the same time the deception of human beliefs today..The Anu God was in close relations with the Atlanteans, in which God created both beings, and it came to pass that they were actually a huge contributer to human DNA as we know today..ourselves as humans..but, the deal is, long ago, the Atlanteans had certain genetics (DNA codes) that were needed in order to make the Anu race existant on Earth as they are today...this is where the fallen angels come into play...we all have heard of the fallen angels..well, they derived from Anu..Long ago, in the beginning there were certain beings that were given the obligation to create what the world is made up of today, humans, animals, mammals, etc, and these beings came in the form of what we now have derived as ETs, Gods and other supernatural beings...the whole time, we are analyzing the absolute craziness of this possiblity, it is the absolute truth..we are not what we see as human form and as our forefathers have set as guidelines to reality before believe in what is now so unbelievable is actual reality....

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