Friday, March 20, 2009

The Answers to the Keys

There was the Annanuki which was the race of beings that was not of human race nor any other race that you could imagine on Earth at this time...the Anu was a race of beings that had total control of the population and the genetic pool of the Earth long ago..the Atlanteans were the gentle race of knowledge and peace, they were taken over by the Anu population of beings and therefore begat a new race..some of the Atlanteans got away to far away lands and it is meant to be a fact that the ones that did get away were the ones that held the secret DNA codes of the present lightworkers, angelic beings, wayshowers, angels, etc...

It is a fact that there were several races of beings that came together to make up the race of humans as known today...they were part ET, part reptilian and part Angelic...all contributed to the DNA outside of the race of pure human..wait a minute, what was that? outside of the race of human?

YES!!!! THERE WERE HUMAN FORMS ON THIS EARTH OUTSIDE OF THESE know hybrids as "fallen angels" or the ones that were born from the actual DNA of Lucifer....well, there is a HUGE SURPRISE in this lie...there are actual beings born from the DNA of the Anu but there are also the same beings living here on Earth right now that are meant to be here...for a reason..we are here to give you the real story,

There is God, There is Lucifer, but there is also the inner You that makes them both are both..both are you!!!!Inside of you are very tiny light molecules...inside of those light molecules are intelligent little minds, you cannot ever imagine how small they are but at the same time you will never imagine how intelligent they are. They record, they transmit every breath you take, every green tree you observe and appreciate, every smell of vanilla when you eat an icecream cone, every flower you gaze upon, every smile you have on your face when you see a funny video, every hug that made you light up from the inside out, every doubt turn to knowledge, they record everything...these are what makes you, YOU!!!

So, from the beginning, you were always just matter how you slice time, dice time, you are just were meant to be exactly who you are and exactly where you are for a reason..i know, WTF? ok, lets start from the beginning again, we are a product of what? The ALMIGHTY CREATOR!!! HE MAKES NO MISTAKES!!SO, NO MATTER WHO OR WHERE WE BEGAN, WE ARE HERE AND WE ARE NOW!!! THERE IS NOTHING ELSE...

SO,what is your next question? I have answered most of them already..why we were created...FOR HIS PLEASURE
where did we come from: Genetics of different lifeforms on other planets and Gods plans of evolution

The genetic pool consisted of and still consists of a small amount of alien DNA and DNA from the pre-existing beings from the beginning of time. Lightbeings (angels, human hybrids) were meant to evolve into what is known as "The Perfect Human" at a certain time. These beings have been reincarnated over and over again and some thousands of lives have been full of lessons, knowledge sharing and every situation and circumstance to make one's wisdom at a peak of perfection. These beings hold light, within their actual physical bodies, and this light is knowledge. The spiritual path they have been traveling for so long is now paying off in a very big and obvious way. The gifts of telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudiance, phsycic among others are now being tapped into by these awakened ones. The wisdom and gifts have always been there, but it has taken a long time to finally awaken in these beings. The incoded blueprint for each individual is different and the awakening happens at different times for each being. If all the lightworkers, wayshowers, crystal children, Indigo and Rainbow children were to awaken at the same time, there would be an influx of actual energy and frequency that would turn the planet into a destructive ball of fire. These beings hold so much energy within their physical bodies that it can be used for so many healing scenerios. More on that a little later. Let's get back to Anu. Anu knew his time was limited to make his creation work, to perform every task needed to fulfill his mission, which was to create humans in a way that they would not only be his slaves but to evolve to a point he could return at a certain time and have his city and ppl the way he wanted it to be..He wanted to rule the world, the ppl and have the royal treatment as a God. The God....

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