Friday, March 20, 2009

Mythology and "The Gods"

People today are non-tolerant of anything outside the realm of what they were brought up to believe or see. The religions and cultures are segregated and causing more violence and confusion than ever needed to be. A "normal" person would not accept the fact that their ego and hard-headed nature is actually what is covering the truth of every true religion and every truth in existance as we stand here today. The Gods of Mythological time have a truth that must be accepted in order for the truth to flow through these "normal" people.

Everything began with "The Creator" (GOD) no matter what you call your God, "Lord, Jesus, Allah, etc" It began with an Energy that is unexplainable and magnificent. Humans were not created as we see each other today. Yet, we evolved into what is known as who we are today. The creations in the beginning were created by God, including who we are today, ETs, Mythological Gods and other forms of DNA based beings. There were 9 orders of "Angels" as follows: The Seraphim (The Highest Order), The Cherubim (The Second Order), Thrones and Dominions (The Third and Fourth Orders), Virtues (The Fifth Order), Powers (The Sixth Order), Principalities (The Seventh Order), The Archangels (The Eigth) and the Angels (The Ninth Order)

In the realm of reality as we know as Angels, there is a "time" where all of life is not accounted for...this is the void, this is where all matter is suddenly ceasing to exist...well, it doesn't cease to is real and meant to be covered up...

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