Friday, May 15, 2009

Angel Exposed

For you see, I know for a fact that this is coming to an end of negative thoughts..It will be a day when we have to accept the fact that we are moving beyond what you have been taught.........

Myth or Reality...

I am a normal person, with the same questions throughout my life, but I have been given answers to questions and now is the time to pass them on to you..for those that will listen and understand..

We have walked the path of worry and stess of every fear of our previous past. There is no school that doen't teach about past wars, past hate, past pain...but those same schools that we have all attended will never give an encouraging and uplifting way to change anything for the world...For you see, the very things that are taught, rather it be a religion or a history lesson is so full of fear that it leaves little hope for any future. When you turn on your tv or listen to the news, you are actually deprogramming what your happiness could be, because you are living in the bubble of fear....This is so hard for some of us to come forward and tell you because we know what is at stake...We know it is hard to understand what is truly going on, and most don't wish to hear it any way. They would rather live inside of their "Prada" lives....but when it's all said and done, you will see that you have led a false life....To follow a religion because your Mom, Dad or whoever told you what was right and without question, is totally against what God is about...We were never created to live by another's beliefs or acceptance....Who is to say you must grow up to be a lawyer or a doctor, when your passion and heart and gifts are to be given to your artistic talents..the God that is real will never conform any one being...We are all here for a purpose...And we have been given gifts to fulfill that destiny...Your parents or your Pastor can never tell you what that is..You have to seek it within yourself...It is there..find it! Don't live for a religion just because everyone has taught you to believe in only one way..this can't be the way because you have free will...and to be honest, the only way is to live with your heart, not a diploma, or acceptance from anyone here on Earth...You can have the secret revealed to you, you already have it, all you have to do is look for you..who are YOU? You are loved and it's time to wake up!